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What Seasonings Go with Chicken?

What Seasonings Go with Chicken?

If you are wondering what seasonings go with chicken, we have prepared a list of seasonings, spices, and ingredients that are useful when preparing your chicken.

With these spices and herbs, you can make a great seasoning blend for your chicken. Of course, with the right choice of ingredients in the right proportions, you can make a dish that you can always enjoy. It is all there for your choice since you cannot use all of them at the same time.

It is important to also ensure that the ingredients or spices that you use in your dishes are healthy and helpful not only to the flavor of your dish but also in terms of nutrients.

Continue reading to learn more of the different types of seasonings that are best for cooking chicken.

Preparations for A Chicken Seasoning

In this article, I will give you the spices mix that can serve your needs for a delicious chicken. You can do a blend or select the choice of ingredients you want to use in the list.

For a blend, mix black pepper, garlic powder, salt, paprika, cumin, chicken bouillon, chili powder, dill, Cinnamon, parsley, and basil. Blend them to mix vigorously. 


Every recipe must have salt. It gives a natural flavor. There are several types of salt; Artisan salt, Chili Lime salt, and Jalapeno salt. It guarantees the appetite and quality of the food.

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Besides adding flavor, salt is necessary for our bodies to ensure the acid-base balance, the cells functioning normally, and plasma volume maintenance.

Black pepper

Good cooks don’t miss a black pepper. It plays a significant role in ensuring great taste in preparing chicken. When the peppercorn is ground, they release oils that brings mild heat. However, it is advisable to use peppercorns at all times.

On other occasions, research shows that black pepper will help you regulate cholesterol levels, maintain blood sugar, and maintain one’s brain health.


Thanks to chili powder for providing a smoky flavor and making your chicken aromatic. It’s made up of pulverized and dried Cayenne.

Chili powder helps in body metabolism and also improves cognitive functions.


Cumin is a medium brown color that makes people confuse it with Cinnamon. Cumin comes in two forms; whole and ground cumin.

While preparing chicken, whole cumin is preferred to add more flavor. However, if you need to make dry rubs and saucers, then consider ground cumin.


Cinnamon adds incredible sweetness to your chicken meal. It contains a heavy amount of sugar and is commonly used in deserts. Any recipe that includes Cinnamon has a satisfying candid.

Cinnamon has advantages such as reducing inflammation and offering protection against heart diseases.


There are a thousand reasons why you must include Rosemary in your recipe to prepare the chicken seasoning. It is an herb that has a pine tree’s needle-like structure. It balances the taste of the whole chicken regardless of the number of spices. Rosemary can be used either while dried or fresh.

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Research shows that Rosemary contains antifungal, antiviral, and antibacterial properties hence becoming essential to our bodies.


Paprika has a red color that gives the chicken a fantastic look. Moreover, adding enough quantity provides a colorful and sweet meal.

Regarding health benefits, paprika enriches your body with vitamin A and improves your eyes’ health.


If you’re looking forward to adding soup or sauces, dill is the deal. It has a herb deal containing mild flavor. Though it is not commonly used, try it next time while cooking a chicken. I bet you’ll love it incredibly.

Like most herbs, dill has health benefits such as magnesium, zinc, potassium, and dietary fiber, which are crucial for good digestion.

Onion powder

Onions are among the spices making your chicken delicious. However, when it is broken down, it becomes more aromatic while in powder form.

Surprisingly onion powder will prevent infections, treat cough, and manage dietetics.

Chicken bouillon granules

Dried Chicken stock is granulated to make chicken granules. It dissolves in water hence making a colorful, tasty soup.


Parley is among the quality herbs to add to your favorite chicken and has excellent flavor. It is rich in vitamins C, K, and A.


Basil makes your chicken meal tremendous and takes less than to cook. It’s a Thai recipe that is sweet to taste. It contains components that help the body fight against bacterial infections.

NB: Use moderate heat for cooking a lovely, aromatic, delicious chicken meal.


At this point, you know what chicken seasoning you can use to make a delicious chicken. With cumin, basil, parsley, onion powder, dill, paprika, black pepper, rosemary, cinnamon, salt, and chili are some of the best chicken seasonings at your disposal. You can always choose one that fits to your flavor needs and preferences.

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