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air fry pierogies

Air Fry Pierogies (How To)

Have you ever wondered how to fry frozen pierogies in an air fryer? You won’t believe how perfectly they cook. Air frying is a fantastic way to cook your pierogies. It cooks up with a crispy outside and piping hot inside in minutes.

 It’s the best way of cooking frozen pierogies. It’s fast, and you can make them crispy or not depending on how you want them. Here is a guide on how to air fry frozen pierogies. Try it, and I think after you air fry pierogies, you will never want to cook them another way again.

What Is Pierogies?                 

They are a filled dumpling from central and eastern European cuisine. The unleavened dough of flour and water used in pierogies are the same as pasta. The filling comprises mashed potatoes plus cheese, spinach, onions, and other goodies.

This makes up a carbs-carbs comfort dish that’s irresistible. Other names for pierogies are perogy, pirogi, peroge, perogie, pirogy, pierogi, pierogy, pirohy, pyrohy, varenki and ruskie. Whatever the name you call them, I think you will find them delightful.  

Required Ingredients 

 here is a list of needed items to fry frozen pierogies in the air fryer.

  • One box of frozen pierogies
  • Olive oil (or your favorite cooking oil)
  • Cooking oil spray( non-aerosol)
  • A half c of cream(optional, for dipping)

How to Air Fry Pierogies

  • Remove frozen pierogies from the packaging.
  •   Evenly lay each piece flat in the basket of an air fryer. Make sure pierogies do not overlap or stack to cook more evenly while air frying.
  • Spray olive oil using non-aerosol cooking oil spray on both sides of the pieces. Using an aerosol spray can damage the finish on air fryers.
  • After lightly coating them with olive oil, cook at 400 degrees F for 10-12 minutes or until they have a golden, crispy texture. Switch the trays’ positions in the air fryer halfway through cooking time. That is after 5- 6 minutes.
  • Serve warm with sour cream or any of your favorite toppings.
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  • If you want your pierogies to be crispier, cook for an extra two minutes and spray again with olive oil.
  • Smaller air fryers may take lesser cooking time. This is because the pierogies in one basket fryer spend their entire time close to the heating element. Air frying time may vary slightly depending on the air fryer oven brand.

What to Serve With Pierogies 

What goes well with pierogies? Pierogies are ideal as the potatoes in a meat and potatoes dish. You can serve them with roasted veggies and kielbasa. Italian sausage also goes well with pierogies as well as homemade sauerkraut.

Here are some ideas for toppings sauce for pierogies.

  • Sour cream
  • Plain Greek yogurt
  • Garlic butter
  • Salsa
  • Buffalo dip
  • Marinara sauce
  • Homemade mustard
  • Keto cheese sauce
  • Fried onions or caramelized onions.

Benefits of Making Pierogies in the Air Fryer.

Why air fry your pierogies? Here are some of the pros of air-fried pierogies.

  1. Fast

It only takes 10-12 minutes to air fry pierogies. The exact time it would take to boil a pot of water or preheat the oven.

  • Budget-Friendly

Pierogies are a cheap food option. (That said, they are heavy in white flour and not the most nutritious choice). 

  • Easy

Pierogies are simple to make. While making homemade pierogies from scratch takes considerable skills, you only need two ingredients.

  • Vegan

Frozen pierogies align with most plant-based diets. Most of the main pierogies brands have vegetarian options, and some brands contain vegan pierogies.

  • Post-workout food

Pierogies are a great source of glycogen for replenishment after exercise. They are high in carbs that fuel muscles and are also easily digested.

  • Side dish or appetizer
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If you are a pierogies lover, there is always a way to fit them in various eating situations. You can take them either for breakfast, lunch or dinner. They are super as a side dish, snack, or even appetizer.

You can serve sweet blueberry pierogies with cottage cheese, fresh blueberries, and a drizzle of macadamia honey for breakfast.

  • Delicious

The main reason to enjoy pierogies is that they are delicious amirite. That plate of polish kielbasa sometimes looks incomplete without a little delightful pierogi action on there.

Bottom line

 Air frying is the best method to make pierogies It’s quick, and you have the option of making them crispy or not. This guide has provided you with the cooking time and temperature for air pierogies and the benefits of fried pierogies.

Look at it and try out this recipe. I am sure you will never use any other method to cook pierogies. The meal is great, and you can take it as either dinner, lunch, or breakfast. You can top it with your favorite sauce to make it more delicious.